

Abseiling, Rope Access, cleaning, Birdfree installation, Bird proofing

Bird Proofing At Height

The Challenge of Bird Proofing at Height

Occupants of the Deloitte building in Hamilton faced a persistent issue with birds nesting in their signs, leading to unsightly bird droppings at the front entrance. This problem detracted from the building's otherwise pristine appearance.

The sign, located high up and tucked beneath a top-floor overhang, provided an ideal nesting spot for birds. Previous bird-proofing methods, such as bird spikes and high-frequency sound emitters, proved ineffective. Bird spikes, while useful for deterring larger birds like pigeons, inadvertently created nesting structures for smaller birds like sparrows.

Connect Access' Bird Proofing Solution

Connect Access solved this issue by removing all previous bird-proofing attempts and installing Bird Free gel discs. This innovative product deters birds by overwhelming their senses and creating the illusion of fire.

Bird Free gel discs are applied in discreet, low-profile dishes, only 8mm high. They effectively prevent birds from landing, even when placed behind the leading edge of a parapet or ledge. This approach preserves the aesthetic appeal of the sign while keeping it clean and bird-free.

Bird Free gel offers long-lasting efficacy without damaging buildings or facilities. The gel forms a protective film that prevents water penetration and evaporation of its ingredients over time.

The Result

Immediately after installation, birds attempting to land on the sign felt repelled by the gel's scent. Several months later, no new nests had appeared, and no birds perched on the letters.

Using Bird Free gel discs proved to be an extremely effective solution. As shown in the accompanying photo, the discs remain invisible from the ground, maintaining the sign's original appearance without the clutter of bird spikes. With fewer birds perching on the letters, the frequency of building cleanings can decrease, and the office windows will stay clear of bird droppings, allowing residents to enjoy their views of the river.

Key Benefits of Bird Proofing with Connect Access

  • Effective Bird Deterrence: Bird Free gel discs successfully repel birds, preventing them from landing and nesting.
  • Aesthetic Preservation: The low-profile gel discs stay hidden from the ground, maintaining the building's appearance.
  • Long-Lasting Solution: The gel's protective film ensures long-term effectiveness without damage to the building.
  • Reduced Maintenance: With fewer birds, cleaning becomes less frequent, preserving the building's pristine look and enhancing the occupants' experience.

For a comprehensive and effective bird-proofing solution, trust Connect Access to protect your building while maintaining its aesthetic appeal.